I love being pastor of this church and living in this community. God has blessed me with the privilege of ministering for over 25 years with some of the greatest people on earth. Our purpose is to show God's love to those who are around us and to help change lives through the same love He has shown to us. I would love for you to come and to visit with us and explore the opportunities of experiencing and sharing God's love in your life and in the lives of others. When you do come, know that I am available to meet with you and would love for you to introduce yourself to me.
Besides being a pastor, I am also a family man. I have been married to my wife, Pattie for over 30 years and she serves along side of me as our minister of worship. We have three grown children; Christy Thompson Koch, Jonathon Thompson and Matthew Thompson. Christy is married to Justin Koch, and Jonathon is married to Morgan Dixon Thompson, while Matthew remains single. I am also the proud Paw paw of Asher and Maverick, who belong to Christy and Justin and Clayton who is the son of Jonathon and Morgan.
Pattie Thompson
I have a variety of titles and roles within our wonderful church family! I love leading the congregation as we Worship the Lord Together! We welcome any musician who wants to join us in practice to then help us worship together.
I am a Facilitator in different roles....from leading the women's ministries to assisting with Youth or Children, on occasion. I do generally stay busy.
As the Pastors wife, we have a full life leading this Congregation as well as our family! God is Good All the Time!